出演者: れい
Hey動画でれいの全てを見たいならこのHey動画〖【18歳 埼玉県】れい〗オススメで2021/11/4配信のこのHey動画は名作である。【18歳 埼玉県 無毛(パイパン) コスチューム美人】今日の撮る希望の女の子は埼玉県からお越しのれいちゃん18歳。新○駅で待ち合わせからカラオケに移動してお話を聞くことに。現在は埼玉でなんとタピオカ屋の店員ををしているというカノジョ。初体験は15歳で蓄積人数は5人位で、今はドスケベな事には関心ありありらしく、最近男心の友と一回だけドスケベをしてしまったらしい。。。食事を済ませてからカラオケを出て大型量販店でコスチュームをゲットしてそのままホテルへGO!ふぇらちおをするのが好きぴだと言うれいちゃんに自己紹介がてらちんこを見せてみると、小さなお口を思いっきり開けてちんこを頬張るれいちゃん。※これが気持ちいい。。。竿から玉までしっかりと舐めてくれます!このままではお口でイカされちゃいそうなので攻守交代。パーカーを脱がせてみたらお顔に反して大きな乳房(オッパイ)が!Dカップだと言う乳房(オッパイ)を舐めてみてからおぱんちゅ越しにアソコを触ってみるとすでにじんわりと温もりを感じる。おぱんちゅをずらして無毛(パイパン)マ○コを舐めると少しづつ吐息が漏れてきちゃうれいちゃん。洗面所に連れて行き自分のドスケベしている姿を見せつけてみると、これが意外と発情したみたいで無毛(パイパン)マ○コからドンドン愛の汁が溢れてくる。鏡に写るふぇらちお顔を見せてから座位で挿入。体をビクビクと震わせて感じるれいちゃん。立ちバックで挿入しれいちゃんを数度かイカせてからそのまま18歳のマ○コの中に大量発射!休憩がてら一旦お風呂に入り、ムーディーなライトのお風呂でイチャついてたら再びギンギンしちゃって、無毛(パイパン)マ○コを口と手で奮起してあげるとまたビクビクしながらイッちゃうれいちゃん。完璧に復活したチ○コを顔の前に持っていくと当然のように舐めてくれる。そのまま辛抱出来ずお口の中に本日2発目の発射!お風呂を上がってすっきりしたれいちゃんにコスチュームに着替えてもらい本日2度目のエッチ。今日のコスチュームはプリ尻丸出しクマさん!これがメチャメチャ似合っててマジカワイイ過ぎる!!!笑まずはクマさんに乳頭(ちくび)をしっかり舐めてもらってかられいちゃんの無毛(パイパン)マ○コに指を入れてみるとビチャビチャと音がしている。無毛(パイパン)マ○コを少し舐めてから先程買った電気マッサージャーで自慰(オナニー)させてみる。電気マッサージャー自慰(オナニー)でイッちゃうれいちゃん。しっかりエロスイッチが入ったれいちゃんに乳頭(ちくび)、チ○コを舐めてもらってからノーマルHで合体!ノーマルH、騎乗位、バック、寝バック、即位、ノーマルHでがっつりハメてから最終はお口に3発目の大量発射で完結!!最終は「また遊んでください」とお願いされる程大満足そうなれいちゃんでした。※今日のパックンチョ娘18歳 埼玉県 れい158cm Dカップ 無毛(パイパン)美人2エッチ 電気マッサージャー・コスチューム ×膣内射精 口内発射×2?一部紹介?シーン1埼玉出身の蓄積少なめ18歳美女をコスチューム着せて、大人の凄さを教えてあげました!今日、女の子は埼玉から来た18歳フリーター!ドスケベなことは関心があるが、最近のエッチは1ヵ月くらい前相手はかれぴではなく心の友wいままでの蓄積人数は5人初体験は15歳で、場所はかれぴのお家w…続きは本編で![18、 Saitama Prefecture、 Shaved Pussy、 Cosplay Beauty] The girl coming on our shoot today is the 18-year-old Rei from Saitama Prefecture. I met up with her at Shin○ station and moved to a karaoke bar to listen to her story. She is currently working as a clerk at a tapioca shop in Saitama. Her first sexual experience was at the age of 15、 and she has had about 5 sexual experiences so far. She has apparently been really interested in sex lately、 and had sex with one of her male friends recently… We finished our meal、 left the karaoke booth、 and went to a big-box store to grab some costumes and off to the hotel we GO! She says she really likes giving blowjobs、 so instead of a self-introduction I presented her with my cock、 and she opened her little mouth filled her entire mouth. And oh my how good does she lick! She licks my cock from pole to balls! I felt like she was going to make me cum with her mouth、 so we switched sides. When you take off her jacket、 her tits pop out and god damn、 they’re pretty huge compared to her tiny face! She tells me she’s a C cup、 and I licked her up. I felt between her legs through her panties、 and felt that she was already a little wet with excitement. When I licked at her shaved pussy、 I felt the warmth between her legs、 and little moans escaped from between her lips. I took her to the washroom and show her just what sex with her looks like in the mirror、 and she seems to be surprisingly excited by this、 with love juices flowing out of her shaved pussy. After showing her what her faced looked like when giving a blowjob、 I entered her while she sat up on the counter. Rei’s body shivers and shakes as she feels it deep within her core. After a few times of making her cum、 I shoot my load into the 18-year-old’s pussy! We take a small break and take a bath. She gets horny again after making out in the bath with the moody lights、 and when I stimulate her shaved pussy with my mouth and hands、 she cums again、 her body quivering with delight. When I brought my completely revived penis in front of her face、 she licked it without a how do you do. I couldn’t hold back and shot my second load of the day into her mouth! After taking a bath and feeling refreshed、 I asked Rei to change into her costume so we could get on to our second fuck of the day. This time she was dressed as a bear with her ass hanging out! She looked so cute in it! After the bear licked my nipples、 I put my finger in her pussy and it made so many squishy noises. After licking her pussy、 I let her masturbate with the electric masturbator we just got at the store. Rei cums! After she licks my nipples and cock、 we get together in missionary、 cowgirl、 doggy、 prone、 lotus、 and back to missionary、 and then we finish with a massive load in her mouth、 my third shot for the day. She was so satisfied that she asked me to play with her again at the end. *Our Pakkuncho Girl for today: 18-year-old Rei、 158 cm tall、 shaved beauty from Saitama Prefecture、 D-cup tits! Two rounds of fucking、 electric massager、 cosplay、 creampie、 oral creampie x2. ~Showcase of what you can find in this video~ Scene 1: We find an 18-year-old beauty from Saitama with few sexual experiences and show her how great sex can be with adults! Our girl for today is an 18-year-old part-time worker from Saitama! She’s really interested in sex、 but her most recent sexual experience was about a month ago、 and not with a boyfriend but with one of her male friends… She’s had around 5 sexual partners so far、 her first time at age 15?at the boyfriend’s house. See the rest in the video!れいのコンテンツはHey動画など公式サイトで見るのがオススメで【18歳 埼玉県】れいならココで見て下さい。